Congratulations to

Ashleigh Wade

on the release of 

Black Girl Autopoetics!


Rising third year undergrads will be able to apply to the Media Studies major this summer between July 8 and August 6, 2024. A link to the application portal will be open on our web site throughout that period.


Congratulations to the Media Studies Class of 2024! 

We look forward to celebrating your achievements on May 18th!

UVA Launches PhD in Media Studies!

details here 

Congratulations to

Ashleigh Wade

on the release of 

Black Girl Autopoetics!


Rising third year undergrads will be able to apply to the Media Studies major this summer between July 8 and August 6, 2024. A link to the application portal will be open on our web site throughout that period.


Congratulations to the Media Studies Class of 2024! 

We look forward to celebrating your achievements on May 18th!

UVA's Department of Media Studies analyzes media culture, technology, labor, literacy, policy, infrastructure, and inequity. Our goal is to provide students with the tools to evaluate and shape media. With global reach, our faculty and students examine media from a variety of perspectives that include media history, aesthetics and form, audience analysis, media uses, the impact of media on public opinion, and the relations between media and the law.

Emily Sumlin

One of my favorite parts of UVA came in my last year when I joined the Promotions class in the Comm School. Being a Media Studies major, I was really nervous since I didn't have a business background but my incredible team showed me my strengths were an asset and that we all brought unique things to the project. We made a great team but we make greater friends and I'm so lucky to have them in my life (and its crazy that we only just met this year).

Emily Graffeo

I've been on the Virginia Dance Team for four years. A UVA memory that I will cherish forever is dancing at the men's basketball national championship game last year. I'm so thankful I had that opportunity! And of course, the win at the end was great too. (photo credits to Kris Wright)

Katie Cantone

What I will remember about UVA, via the 5 senses:

The light of a sunny day reflecting off the glass and brick as I walked up the stairs in Nau/Gibson.

The fullness of sound of eleven, thirteen, sixteen voices blending with my own as we sang in a circle in the 1515 Studio.

The smell of my thesis advisor's pumpkin spice diffuser as soon as I entered Wilson Hall.

The taste of HotCakes' peanut butter fudge pie, which I ordered once a year on my birthday to enjoy with a friend.

Julia Melton

It was the first day of classes first year and I was riding my bike by Clark. I was struggling to make it up the hill and two fourth years started watching me and cheering me on. I couldn't do it and had to get off the bike completely mortified. While super embarrasing, it's a hilarious story -- It was a welcome into college that reminded me to try new things and not be afraid to laugh at myself.

Matthew Healey

The People: My roommates, hall mates, apartment mates, friends, teammates on Club Swim, professors, and all of the great people I have formed lasting relationships with during my time at UVA. I have met my best friends here.

The Places: Scott Stadium, JPJ, the AFC, O-Hill Dining Hall, The Lawn, Lambeth Field, the Corner, and of course Metcalf 1R are among many of the places that will always be special to me.

Danica Jefferies

Proud to be graduating from UVA with a double major in Statistics and Media Studies at the age of 18! Of all my memories, I felt my absolute best during coffee-fueled, all-day paper writing sessions at the block tables in Newcomb Starbucks.

Jack Mulquin

My favorite UVA memories are running with President Ryan and the UVA running club and being at the Final Four watching the Hoos win the National Championship.


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