All graduate students must complete the Graduate Advisor Form via DocuSign for approval by their Primary Advisor and the Director of Graduate Studies. If your advisor changes, you may resubmit the form, and the new form will supersede the earlier one. PhD students should submit this form by the end of their second semester in the program. Forms will be kept on file by the Director of Graduate Studies and Media Studies Department Administrators.
Domestic Travel Affirmation Form COVID (pdf)
The Graduate School is required by the University at this time to affirm that students undertaking domestic research travel have been vaccinated. Please complete the Domestic Travel Affirmation Form and send to Julie Gronlund. Students may also need to provide this form to various offices at the University in order to receive funds awarded to conduct domestic research travel.
Request for an Outside Course to Fulfill a MECULTE Requirement (pdf)
If you see a course in another department that you would like to fulfill a major requirement, complete the attached form and submit along with the course syllabus to the Director of Graduate Studies.