Aynne Kokas will discuss her book Trafficking Data: How China is Winning the Battle for Digital Sovereignty (Oxford University Press, October 2022) and recent developments in this space. She argues that exploitative Silicon Valley data governance practices help China build infrastructures for global control. Drawing on years of insider fieldwork in the United States and China, Professor Kokas shows how data exploitation is used for commercial profit and political gain in trade between the US and China and explores the international consequences of US companies and the US government having ignored data regulation in favor of the explosive and unchecked growth of Silicon Valley. She argues that China is emerging as the major shaper of global information and technology governance, in part through the United States' lack of attention to internet policy. Kokas makes recommendations to mitigate the economic and security issues resulting from the data trade between the US and China. You can join us in person in Darden's FOB 294, or by Zoom at https://virginia.zoom.us/j/99217936407?pwd=SitJRXk3TTlpSk9vUGp3VGY4ZW9kZz09