Practice of Media Approved Course List
Only one Practice of Media course may be applied toward the major.
* Courses marked with an asterisk (*) may fulfill either the Media Studies Elective Requirement or the Practice of Media Requirement. They cannot fulfill both. Please see the notes below on how SIS views these “either/or” courses.
Not all courses are offered every year, or are available to all majors.
American Studies
AMST 2500 Digital American Studies
AMST 4351 Aural Histories: Edison to Auto-Tune*
ARCH 1030 Foundation Studio
ARCH 1040 Introduction to Design
ARCH 2710 CAAD 3D Geometrical Modeling and Visualization
ARCH 5420 Digital Animation and Storytelling
PLAN 2020 Planning Design
SARC 5500 Special Topics in the School of Architecture: AI Design Challenge - The Rise of Bots*
ARAD 3100 Principles and Practices of Arts Administration
ARTS 2110 Intro to Photography I
ARTS 2112 Introduction to Photography II
ARTS 2220 Intro to New Media I
ARTS 2222 Introduction to New Media II
ARTS 2310 Installation & Perform Art I
ARTS 2312 Installation & Perform Art II
ARTS 2370 Intro to Cinematography I
ARTS 2372 Intro to Cinematography II
ARTS 2670 Introduction to Intaglio & Monotype Printmaking
ARTS 2672 Introduction to Lithography & Relief Printmaking
ARTS 3110 Intermediate Photography I
ARTS 3112 Intermediate Photography II
ARTS 3220 Intermediate New Media I
ARTS 3222 Intermediate New Media II
ARTS 3370 Intermediate Cinematography I
ARTS 3372 Intermediate Cinematography II
ARTS 3670 Intermediate Printmaking I
ARTS 3672 Intermediate Printmaking II
ARTS 4110 Advanced Photography I
ARTS 4112 Advanced Photography II
ARTS 4220 Advanced New Media I
ARTS 4222 Advanced New Media II
ARTS 4370 Advanced Cinematography I
ARTS 4372 Advanced Cinematography II
ARTS 4670 Advanced Problems in Printmaking I
ARTS 4672 Advanced Problems in Printmaking II
COMM 3310 Fundamentals of Marketing
COMM 3330 Marketing Research & Analytic Techniques
COMM 4320 Entertainment Marketing
COMM 4370 Digital Strategy & Analytics
COMM 4371 Strategic Brand Consulting and Communications
COMM 4372 Integrated Communications & Digital Campaigns
COMM 4380 Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy
COMM 4535 Topics in Marketing: The Business of Media
COMM 4642 Business Communication for the Digital Age
COMM 4643 Advanced Business Speaking
Computer Science
CS 1010 Intro to Information Tech
CS 1110 Intro to Programming
CS 1111 Intro to Programming
CS 1112 Intro to Programming
CS 1113 Intro to Programming
CS 1120 Intro to Computing: Explorations in Language, Logic, and Machines
CS 4810 Intro to Computer Graphics
DRAM 1020 Speaking in Public
DRAM 2070 Public Speaking
DRAM 2620 Sound Design
DRAM 3652 Production Management
DRAM 3710 Playwriting I
DRAM 3730 Screenwriting
DRAM 3820 Video Design I
DRAM 3825 Media Design Studio
DRAM 4110 Lighting Design
DRAM 4730 Advanced Playwriting
DRAM 4750 Writing the Short Film
School of Engineering
ENGR 4595 Special Topics in Engineering: Storytelling - Producing Documentaries
STS 2500 Science and Technology in Social and Global Context: Telling the Story of Science and Engineering - Making Documentary Video
ENWR 1510 Writing About Digital Media
ENWR 2700 News Writing
ENWR 3640 Writing with Sound
ENWR 3650 Digital Writing: Remix Culture
ENWR 3700 Intermediate News Writing
STAT 1601 Introduction to Data Science with R
STAT 1602 Introduction to Data Science with Python
Media Studies
MDST 2305 Podcasting, Radio and Sound Production
MDST 2508 Topics in Media Practice (all topics)
MDST 2690 Sports Journalism
MDST 2700 News Writing
MDST 2710 Screenwriting
MDST 2870 Writing Film Criticism for Popular Consumption
MDST 3230 Basic Multimedia Reporting*
MDST 3508 Advanced Topics in Media Practice (all topics) (NOTE: Documentary Media Production* can serve as a Practice of Media or regular elective)
MDST 3665 Digital Media Accessibility*
MDST 3703 Intro to Digital Liberal Arts*
MDST 3705 Code, Language, and Media*
MDST 3757 Design, Technology, Media*
MDST 3809 New Media in New York*
MDST 4230 Advanced Multimedia Reporting*
MDST 4351 Aural Histories: Edison to Auto-Tune*
MDST 4510 Media, App, and Design*
MDST 4803 Computational Media*
MUSI 2090 Sound Studies: The Art and Experience of Listening
MUSI 2350 Technosonics: Digital Music and Sound Art Composition
MUSI 3374 Composing Mix Tapes
MUSI 3390 Intro to Music & Computers
MUSI 4535 Interactive Media
MUSI 4540 Computer Sound Generation and Spatial Processing
MUSI 4543 Sound Studio
MUSI 4545 Computer Applications in Music
SOC 3510 Topics in Applied Data Science: Networks and Society*
In SIS, generally the first course a student takes that will satisfy a requirement is the one that will list there. SIS will always take the highest graded course to fulfill a requirement. The practice of media requirement is processed before the elective requirement, and an “either/or” course will be evaluated for practice of media first. If it is not needed there, it will be available for elective credit. The only problem that might arise is if the student needs a 4000-level elective and that course goes in the practice of media requirement first. If this happens, please see the department administrator to correct your SIS account. The practice of media requirement takes the highest graded course. As a result, in progress courses may replace graded courses until the grade is posted.