“Félicité” 2017 Oscar shortlisted by French Senegalese filmmaker Alain Gomis at the Newcomb Theater Tuesday March 26th 6.30 p.m.
The screening is open to all and will be followed by Q&A with the director and Kevin Everson (Filmmaker, chair of Studio Art, UVA).
Born in France into a Senegalese and Guinea-Bissauan family, Alain Gomis has made films between Africa and France. His movies follow deeply rooted characters undergoing challenging circumstances. Yet Alain's movies never fall into stereotyping them.
"Félicité", set in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, won the Jury Grand Prix award in the main competition at the Berlin International Film festival (2017). It also won the Golden Stallion of Yenenga at the Fespaco in Burkina Faso and was the Senegalese entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 90th Academy Awards, making the December shortlist.